Tuesday, February 8, 2011

College Letter

Rather than me frustrating you with obvious exaggerations like everyone else's entries, I am simply going to tell you the truth about my life. Here we go. I have a one hundred percent average in all of my academic courses, and in each of those classes the teachers have wrote me detailed thank you letters for when I have had to write up the class lessons for the day. I can find water in the driest part of the dry season in the middle of the desert. I can keep an ice cream cone from melting on a 40 degree day while standing next to a blazing forest fire. I tell Barak Obama what to say in his speeches and write movie scripts for Holly Wood stars. I  own acreage in Beverly Hills and feed my dogs 5 course meals consisting of crocodile hearts and penguin livers. Windows 7 was my Idea. Global warming will be stopped when I become Prime Minister(I know because I can predict the future). But overall, I guess Im just an average student, just looking for an education. I hope that whoever is reading this at Yale, will understand about my unique abilities and accept my entry. I don't even need the scholarship that I would obviously receive from you because I am a billionaire. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Corey Richards Grade 12

     I wander the halls of the prison that they call high school, feeling empty and alone. Just another day where no one notices my presence, nobody notices the fountain of tears streaming down my face. Reflecting back on those tough times of grade nine, times of getting pushed around, not making the basketball team or having anyone to share my problems with. The 'freshmen' phase really hit me hard back in the day. But not now. Now I am a hero, the coolest of the cool, the cream of the crop. It is grade 12 and almost time for me to embark on my lifelong dream of running with the bulls in the streets of Spain, taming tigers in the wild forests of Asia, and poaching endangered rhinoceros in the scorching desserts of the African Safari. But for now I'm just a rebellious, testosterone raging, grade 12 student, picking fights with smaller kids to make me feel tough, and standing up against 'know it all' teachers like Mr. Van Camp. Also, I have 152 friends on facebook so I'm obviously a cool stud. That is all.