Tuesday, February 8, 2011

College Letter

Rather than me frustrating you with obvious exaggerations like everyone else's entries, I am simply going to tell you the truth about my life. Here we go. I have a one hundred percent average in all of my academic courses, and in each of those classes the teachers have wrote me detailed thank you letters for when I have had to write up the class lessons for the day. I can find water in the driest part of the dry season in the middle of the desert. I can keep an ice cream cone from melting on a 40 degree day while standing next to a blazing forest fire. I tell Barak Obama what to say in his speeches and write movie scripts for Holly Wood stars. I  own acreage in Beverly Hills and feed my dogs 5 course meals consisting of crocodile hearts and penguin livers. Windows 7 was my Idea. Global warming will be stopped when I become Prime Minister(I know because I can predict the future). But overall, I guess Im just an average student, just looking for an education. I hope that whoever is reading this at Yale, will understand about my unique abilities and accept my entry. I don't even need the scholarship that I would obviously receive from you because I am a billionaire. Thank you.

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