Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Corey and Betty Richards

     "Why wont you look at me when we make love?" Betty whimpered.
     "I know what you've been doing with Jimmy," Corey replied, "and I don't like it one bit."
     "I promise it was a one time thing!"
Corey replied angrily "It only took one time for this relationship to be compromised, and you of all people should have known that!"
Betty, with tears filling her eyes, begged "Put the newspaper down and look me in the eyes, I need to tell you something!"
Corey groaned "What is it?" but willingly placed the paper on the coffee table next to the bed.
     "We thought you was dead Corey! I had given up hope, we all did."
     "Well im here now, and I'm not going anywhere," Corey responded confidently.
The look in Betty's eyes turned to rage. "You never pay attention to me anymore! Ever since the accident I have felt more and more alone every day!"
     "Please Betty, I can change!"
     "It's too late Corey, I've made up my mind. I'm leaving you for Jimmy, hes more of a man than you will ever be."
Corey stood there shocked, as he watched his wife to be walk out the front door, without a word of goodbye. "I'm sorry," he whispered, but it was too late.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bullying. A myth or not?

bully.jpgBullying has been around for years. It can be seen in many different ways, such as verbal, cyber or physical bullying.  Princess Margaret, a small high school nestled in the heart Penticton BC, is a perfect example of a utopia where bullying is never present. Princess Margaret, a small school of 700 students, is full of "text book" perfect students, who spend their weekends studying to reach their full potential in school. 

This small school has a history of being classified as "geniuses," but the grad class of 2011 is especially known for this. The horrible act of bullying is almost never seen, partially due to the leadership of the Grad class, and also because the rival school Pen Hi is well known for bullying so we ship all of our juvenile delinquents over to them. During the average lunch hour at PMSS, one might observe the scholar students partaking in chess matches or an exciting game of ping pong, or just relaxing with friends. 

However all may seem quite perfect at PMSS, there is one rugged character who wanders the halls, creating trouble wherever he travels. His name is Corey Richards, a lonely child who has a history of bullying. He is well know to start fights with smaller children or give purple nurples to freshmen who wander the halls lost after the bells. Some ask why hasn't this viscous, cold hearted monster been sent over to Pen Hi? The answer is simple. He is a basketball star. The school needs his athletic ability. His deer like speed and lion like temper are advantages that Richards has over his opponents. Students were interviewed for advice on how to deal with bullies like Corey, and there response was simple. Run away. 

bullying.jpgIt is final. In Princess Margaret school, bullying is a myth. Students don't have time to fit in the stressful lifestyle that bullying puts on people (with exception to Corey Richards of course). The myth of bullying has been put to rest once and for all in Princess Margaret. It is not a problem.